How well do you use workplace tension to drive improvement?

Workplace tension is inevitable—the byproduct of any humans working in close proximity. Yet tension makes too many leaders uneasy. We equate tension with problems. So when friction emerges, many executives try to smooth it over rapidly or assign blame.

This tendency squanders a precious opportunity. Workplace tension signals needed change. With reflection and patience, constructive leaders can mine these moments of discomfort for insights from which better decisions and innovation emerge. But first, we must expand our perspective on tension.

We must work to consider tension as an asset, not a liability. You can learn to view tension as the raw material for better outcomes.

This assessment tool evaluates your ability as a leader to leverage workplace tension for positive change. It examines critical practices to determine if your culture cradles clashing perspectives for truth-seeking or conceals dissent to keep the peace. Can your people bring their whole, authentic selves to work? Do they speak openly, debate vigorously, take smart risks, and learn from mistakes?

There are no right or wrong answers. Use your responses to self-assess your comfort with tension and your ability to mine friction for insights. Results will expose hesitations around wielding tension while spotlighting growth opportunities to master tension for good.

Let’s get started!


Complete the following sentences with the answers that most accurately reflect your feelings. Approach all 10 questions honestly, and remember, there are no wrong answers.


Step 1 of 11

1. When there’s tension among my team, I remain calm and lead from my core values.(Required)